⏳ Winners Quit All The Time

T.I.N.Y Blog, Time Billionaires #017


  • Thought: Winners quit all the time

  • Interesting: Email conversation between Elon Musk & Jack Dorsey

  • Not to be missed: Derek Sivers on social media, mentors, and friends

  • Yes: Don’t let anyone make you feel bad

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Winners Quit All The Time

I’m convinced winners quit all the time.

I disagree with this saying:

I believe winners quit all the time.

I get a lot of (younger) folks asking me: “Aadit, how do I figure out what I want in life?”

And I didn’t have an answer to this question until recently.

The half-ass answer is “try everything”.

The tangible answer is “go on 30-day sprints”

If you want to figure out if something is for you, do it for a day.

Then do it for another 30 days straight (every day)

If you enjoyed it, continue.

If you didn’t enjoy it, quit it.

Sometimes 30 days is not enough to figure it out. If you think so, continue for another few weeks.

Winners quit all the time. They pick their battles wisely. And they choose battles they’re most likely to win (have a competitive edge in).

Competitive edge = endless curiosity, absolute obsession, work for others and play for you.

Email conversation between Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey

I spend too much time on Twitter.

And this conversation between Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey (former CEO of Twitter) really intrigued me.

Check it out yourself:

Derek Sivers on social media, mentors, and friends

Few people know this but Derek Sivers was actually one of my first followers on Twitter.

I’m a huge fan of what he’s built with CD baby.

He followed me because I read his book and emailed him. Super humble guy.

And he recently made a podcast appreciate. Check it out:

Don’t let anyone make you feel bad


Aadit’s picks:

  1. Newsletter: The Business AcademySieva Kozinsky’s newsletter is great to get deep insights into the deals and investments he’s making. It’s not investment advice but it helps you get an insider view of a smart and long-term investor.