⏳ Try Not To Give Up For 90 Days

T.I.N.Y Blog, Time Billionaires #034

T.I.N.Y newsletter (read time: 3 minutes):

  • Thought: Try not to give up for 90 days

  • Interesting: Built an app in 18 hours. Sold for $85m

  • Not to be missed: Leaked information about SEO

  • Yes: Follow people for how they think (not what they wear)

Try not to give up for 90 days

You may have heard of the saying that it takes 66 days to form a habit.

Some say 21 days. Others say more.

Let's apply this to the content game we all love playing.

Let's rewind back to 2020.

I had 0 followers on Twitter. Knew no one. Had no connections (nor followed a newsletter like this).

I tweeted every single day. I commented on 5 pieces of content every day. I DMd at least one new person every day.

All for 90 days.

And I probably grew to 100 followers. It was very discouraging. But it was something. I had 100 new people following me.

One thing I realized was that consistency is super important on social media.

Unless you are Justin Bieber, your first post won't go viral.

  1. We start as a no-one.

  2. We build credibility and trust slowly

  3. We do it by sharing insights and secrets of what we know best (aka your competitive advantage)

It's hard. That is why I’ve created an accountability group.

It’ll act as your direct, helpful, and no-BS friend.

Built an app in 18 hours. Sold for $85m

Crazy story to dive into.

A short break…

Let’s take a short break to talk about Compound.

Compound is a free community for founders looking to grow their businesses with organic content.

If you’re interested in growing your Twitter and LinkedIn, check it out.

What’s included:

• Free courses

• Accountability Group

• Help from the community and myself

Let’s get back to the newsletter!

Leaked information about SEO

Yandex is a search engine.

Their source code leaked recently.

It shows the 1922 ranking factors used in the search algorithm.

(This is super useful for anyone interested in SEO and traffic growth).

Follow people for how they think (not what they wear)


Aadit’s picks of the week:

  1. Twitter Growth Tool, Tweethunter: the greatest all-in-one growth tool for Twitter (link).

  2. NextChapter Newsletter: high-performance advice from investors and founders (link).

  3. Cool video: change dialogue and lip sync using AI (link).