🚀 TikTok Suing US Government

PLUS: Elon Musk lays off Tesla's Supercharger team, Boeing crisis deepens as 10 new whistleblowers emerge.

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Dear founder, here’s your 3-minute recap (without the fluff):

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🛠️ Tools

Free! Ditch Boring Docs - Guidde creates stunning how-to videos and visual documentation in seconds. (link)

Free AI extension - Automate tasks, write emails faster, save time on 10M+ websites (link)

Zero to mastery - Learn how to become an AI Developer making $137,259/year. Use 'PROMPTSDAILY' for 15% off.

Work faster and smarter with Sana AI - your new knowledge assistant. Try it for free (link)

Entrepreneurs - Learn to effectively leverage AI in your business with this ultimate guide from HubSpot (link)

Higgsfield - Turn selfies into lifelike videos with just a prompt. Make dance trends, and memes with just a selfie (link)

Sprig - Helps companies uncover user feedback and behavior trends to build better products (link)

Audyo - Generates human-quality AI voices by typing in a doc (link)

Chatsimple - It is a custom ChatGPT chatbot trained on your business made simple (link)

Wondercraft - Helps to create ads, podcasts, audiobooks, meditations, ads and effortlessly translate your content for a global audience (link)

📚 Resources

AI Dating coach built on top of ChatGPT making $190,000/month (link)

How can we cut costs by 1/6th across most companies? (link)

Steve Jobs talks about the importance of passion (link)

One of the best ideas we can learn from Kobe Bryant (link)

PS. If you’re interested in this AI stuff, you should sign up for our other newsletter - Prompts Daily. It has 100,000+ readers (Executives, VCs, and engineers). Sign up with one click.

💰 Funding

Wayve raises $1B to take its Tesla-like technology for self-driving to many carmakers (link)

Healwell AI Inc. raised up to $20M to develop it’s healthcare technology focused on AI and data science (link)

💼 Job Board

Assistant Team Lead Analysis at Bloomberg (US)

Staff Machine Learning Engineer at Airbnb (US)

💌 Etcetera

All the fast food french fries, ranked

Why your face ages and what you can do

Why are some people faster than others?

Things that are much older than you think

11 of the biggest blizzards to ever hit the US

10 of the most important inventions of Nikola Tesla

10 unexpected organizations that have their own police forces

The Eta Aquarid meteor shower peaks tonight — here’s how to see it

🗞️ News 

TikTok Sues The US Government

TikTok has filed a lawsuit against the US government, challenging the law that mandates the app's separation from ByteDance or face a US ban. The company argues that Congress's actions are unconstitutional and would lead to a shutdown by January 19, 2025. TikTok asserts that the ban would isolate US users and hinder its operations. The lawsuit seeks a judgment declaring the law unconstitutional and preventing its enforcement by the attorney general.

Elon Musk Fired Supercharger Team

Elon Musk laid off Tesla's Supercharger team despite receiving over $17 million in federal charging grants. This move has left many questioning Musk's strategy, especially as Tesla was a significant beneficiary of federal EV charging grants and had plans to expand its Supercharger network. The decision to dismiss the team has raised concerns about the future of Tesla's charging infrastructure and its commitment to sustainable transport amidst ongoing industry changes.

Boeing Faces Growing Troubles

Boeing, the world's largest aerospace firm, faces a growing crisis as 10 more whistleblowers come forward. This follows the sudden deaths of two previous whistleblowers, Joshua Dean and John Barnett, sparking speculation about foul play. Lawyers are seeking investigations into their deaths, fearing retaliation against other whistleblowers. Boeing denies any retaliation, but its safety issues and CEO resignation have fueled doubts about transparency and accountability.

That’s it for now!

Hope you enjoyed this week’s edition! See you next week.

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