⏳ Most Things Are Simple, Not Easy

T.I.N.Y Blog, Time Billionaires #021

Hello to 15,304 nerds reading this T.I.N.Y blog.

TL;DR (feel free to skip around):

  • Thought: Most things are simple (but not easy)

  • Interesting: Digital neighbors> Physical neighbors

  • Not to be missed: Golden nuggets of the internet

  • Yes: People come and go

It’s Simple, Not Easy

Most things are simple, not easy. Especially the quantifiable things in life. Losing weight, putting on muscle, growing wealth etc.

It may sound obvious. But that’s exactly why I want to double-click on this. Often the obvious things are overlooked.

Losing weight: consume less calories than you burn. Literally: kcal out > kcal in. Work out 2-3 times a week. Increase protein intake. You’ll lose weight and put on more muscle.

Growing wealth: write down how much you make every month. You can do 2 things:

  1. Make more money and save the same percentage

  2. Make the same money and save a larger percentage

Put your numbers in a spreadsheet (not enough people do this). Spend only 50% of that (maximum). Take the other 50% and save/invest it. Track your expenses. You’ll be preserving/growing wealth. It’s simple, but not easy.

I don’t say this to dunk on anyone. I’m definitely not the fittest or the wealthiest man on the planet. But I’m seeing this happen in many places of life. Most things are simple, not easy.

So why do I say this?

I say it because I’ve got good news for you. Unless you want to take humanity to Mars or something, you can probably do whatever you strive for.

Because most things are simple, most things are possible. You can get fitter. You can get richer. You can learn how to code.

But just because it’s simple (steps clearly laid out for success), doesn’t mean the success rate is 100%. The other factor to consider is execution. And that requires dedication and more importantly discipline (to be consistent).

Steph Smith has a great article called: “How To Be Great? Just Be Good, Repeatably

Digital Neighbours > Physical Neighbours

I was having a conversation about this with a friend. And then I read this Twitter thread the next day.

This point, in particular, stood out to me: Digital neighbours > Physical neighbours.

We’re physically surrounded by people in our geographical location arguably with similar financial success, similar religious beliefs but not necessarily similar ambitions. That’s where digital neighbours come into play: WhatsApp groups, subreddits etc.

You are in a physical location for either of these 2 reasons:

  1. You want to be there

  2. You have to be there (restricted by birth to a specific location)

But if you are in a digital location (WhatsApp group, subreddit), chances are you *really* want to be there. Because no one is forcing you to be there.

That’s the difference between restriction and choice.

I think as we spend more time on the internet, we’re heading in this direction.

Golden Nuggets of the Internet

A lot of people ask me about where I consume my information.

“Where are the golden nuggets of the internet?”

I always had them in my mind, scattered notes, conversations, and DMs. But I didn’t ever collect each one and put it in a centralised doc.

Yesterday, I did.

Here it is (copy it or bookmark it):

People come and go

Found this on Reddit. Yes.

Aadit’s picks:

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