⏳ How To Scale Yourself Infinitely

T.I.N.Y Blog, Time Billionaires #020

Hello to 14,873 nerds reading this T.I.N.Y blog.

TL;DR (feel free to skip around):

  • Thought: Write once, scale forever

  • Interesting: The Gas app is hot ($1m in sales)

  • Not to be missed: Laugh your head off

  • Yes: The education industry is worth disrupting

Scale Yourself With Writing

Everyone wants to scale things: income, happiness, and efforts.

Why wouldn’t you? You are investing your time, money, and effort into something. Of course, you would want to maximize the returns on your investment.

That makes complete sense.

I don’t know about happiness but writing will help you scale your income, efforts, network, and opportunities.

Here’s why:

Your income is directly correlated to the amount of value you create in the world. I write more about this here. To summarise, “The more value you create for others, the more money you will make.

The amount of value you create is directly correlated to the number of people you help, who you help, and what problems you solve for them.

You could help one person a lot or help hundreds of people a little bit. The reward is probably the same.

But what if you could help thousands of people a lot? That’s where it gets interesting.

Let’s say you are a business consultant. You could get on a phone call (or coffee chat — doesn’t matter) to help one person with their business. You’d be providing a ton of value to one person/business.

But every time you are asked the same question, you have to repeat yourself to add the same amount of value to the next person.

You can’t scale yourself. You say once. It’s lost forever.

What if you created content instead? Articles, blog posts, Youtube videos, TikToks?

The same advice would live forever and have the potential to impact hundreds of thousands of people (or more).

This is the best way to scale yourself.

Instead of having to repeat yourself, you can direct people to where you have provided in-depth advice.

This is why some of the greats (in business and startups) still write blogs. It helps them stay relevant, establish their thought leadership, and help millions.

$1m in sales, Gas App

Nikita Bier built tbh (app) which went viral in 2017.

Facebook acquired it (reportedly) for about $100m. Some sources say it’s less but that doesn’t matter right now. What matters is that he built a social app for teens. And sold it for a life-changing amount of money.

Well, guess what?

Nikita is back with the Gas app. It’s also a social app for teens (talk about consistency!).

And they just hit $1m in sales under 3 months of launching the app.

Nikita says that is consumer apps:

Do you know what else I like about the business?

The lean team. I love high revenue per employee figures.

I think the Gas App is definitely moving in that direction.

It has only 4 people: 1 CEO, 2 engineers, and 1 community manager.

What a baller.

Laugh your head off

This is your reminder to laugh your head off.

I saw this image somewhere on the internet.

And it resonated so much.

I used to be in the middle — serious all the time, thinking about what others would think of me, etc.

Everyone still does that to a certain extent (even me). But it’s much less.

Now I just laugh at stupid shit.

And life is 10x better.

Lesson: Laugh your head off.

The education industry is worth disrupting


(🤯 Look at the discrepancy between university tuition vs minimum wage with time)

Aadit’s picks:

  1. Online Course: MBA AcquireMy friend told me about a live program that teaches people how to buy businesses without prior experience. It’s great! It’s worth checking out especially if you’re considering buying a small business yourself. There's serious value here.I asked if they could give a discount to my audience. Use code "AADIT50" for $50 off! Join here

  2. Newsletter: Through The NoiseThere’s a lot of noise in the world of startups and VC. That’s why I love Alex Banks’ newsletter. It helps me cut through the noise.It’s read by 12,000+ creators, entrepreneurs, and investors. Join me here