⏳ Permissionless Action Wins

T.I.N.Y Blog, Time Billionaires #035

T.I.N.Y newsletter (read time: 3 minutes):

  • Thought: Permissionless action wins

  • Interesting: “22 rules for my son”

  • Not to be missed: People don’t want to learn, they want results

  • Yes: Audience makes it easier to hire

Don’t wait for anyone’s permission

If you want to achieve big things, you have to be willing to take risks and act without asking for permission. This simple mindset shift has helped me open up a new world of opportunities.

When you wait to ask for permission, it’s less unique, more expected, and more “normal”. When you do things without asking for permission, it’s out of the blue and more surprising.

This works especially well in business because the more you give, the more you get.

I used to be one of those people who always sought permission. But over the years, I've learned that taking a permissionless approach is the key to doing anything extraordinary.

If you keep waiting for people’s permission, the ones that don’t wait will get way ahead.

The same goes for other areas of life as well.

Think about it, when you stop asking for permission, you'll find yourself stepping into new territories and making things happen for yourself.

Living life to the fullest and realizing your full potential is what taking a permissionless approach can provide. Embrace vulnerability, face challenges head-on, and learn from failures. The result will be a life filled with excitement, growth, and happiness.

“22 rules for my son”

Found this gem on Twitter.

My favorite one is


A short break…

Let’s take a short break to talk about Compound.

Compound is an invite-only free community for founders looking to grow their businesses with organic content.

If you’re interested in scaling and monetizing your Twitter and LinkedIn, it’s worth applying!

What’s included:

• Free courses

• Accountability Group

• Help from the community and myself

Let’s get back to the newsletter!

People don’t want to learn, they want results

Good reminder for anyone in business.

Audience makes it easy to hire

One of the biggest advantages of having an audience is that people are always looking to work for you (or work with you).

Aadit’s picks of the week:

  1. Olly Richards: This guy is insane. He wrote a free 117-page case study about how he grew his education business to $10m. Super insightful for course creators, consultants etc (link).

  2. Meco: An app to have a clean inbox for all your newsletters (link).

  3. TikTok: How to jailbreak chatGPT to make it do whatever you want (link).