⏳ It's Not Fame That You Want

T.I.N.Y email, Time Billionaires #014

Hey Time Billionaire — Aadit here.

Firstly, welcome to 428 new Time Billionaires that have joined us since last Tuesday!


  • Trend: It’s not fame that you want

  • Interesting: The fast-foodification of cities

  • Not to be missed: Become a better storyteller

  • Yes: Simple health playbook

Read time: 3 mins

It’s Not Fame That You Want

Let me start by asking you a question.

Do you want to be famous? Or did you ever want to be famous?

I don’t need to know. But you do.

For the first 18 years of my life, I wanted to be famous.

And I’m no exception.

According to this study (3000 kids between ages 8 to 12), children in the US and UK are 3 times more likely to want to be Youtubers than astronauts.

It was the top dream. About 30% of the kids wanted to be YouTubers.

But is that really surprising?

Not really. We’re not surrounded by astronauts anymore.

We’re surrounded by social media, influencers, content, and fame.

Look at our boy Buzz Aldrin. The second person to ever set foot on the moon. 1.5M followers.

And then we have Kylie Jenner sitting on a whopping 40M followers.

Both customers and businesses follow celebrities because businesses follow where the customers go. And that’s attention.

There are 2 main reasons to want fame:

  1. It’s cool. You look cool.

  2. You become rich… right?

Well. That’s not the full story.

Here’s what we see: money, fame, and awards.

Life must be great right?

But here’s the stuff we don’t see at all: drama, threats, unnecessary attention, lack of privacy, and probably not as much money as you think.

Don’t believe me?

Here are two videos where famous people (in the top 1% of their field) discuss the cons of having fame:

Suddenly after watching these videos, fame isn’t as desirable.

Don’t get me wrong. Fame has allowed these people to be where these guys are at.

Kylie Cosmetics wouldn’t be doing $100M/year without Kylie’s fame.

Elon Musk wouldn’t have sold 400,000 Teslas (to date) without Elon’s fame.

Shah Rukh Khan wouldn’t have premiered in around 100 films without his fame.

But fame doesn’t stop there. Consider the down side too.

The Fast-foodification of Cities

I read this interesting article from Greg Isenberg on how cities are starting to look the same over the years.

Cities are all beginning to look the same. New buildings are basically copy and pasted.

Become a Better Storyteller

Storytelling is one of the most valuable skills to have in 2022.

It’ll help you expand your network (meet people), and build a community around you and your business.

Nathan Baugh shares how some of the best storytellers like Christopher Nolan and Steve Jobs (co-founder of Apple) used storytelling to produce greatness.

Here’s Your Simple Health Playbook


That’s it for this week.

See you next Tuesday — Aadit