⏳ The Grass Is Not Greener On The Other Side

T.I.N.Y blog, Time Billionaires #016


  • Thought: The grass is not greener on the other side. Your definition of green just keeps changing.

  • Interesting: There’s a dude who might turn a $20k investment into $500k.

  • Not to be missed: People pay a ridiculous amount for status.

  • Yes: Most things are a distraction.

The grass is not greener on the other side

I bet you’ve heard of the saying: “the grass is greener on the other side”.

If not heard, I’m sure you’ve felt it.

It’s basically when things you don’t have seem more appealing than things you have.

“I just got a merc? Yeah… that’s cool… but my neighbour just bought a lambo” — the average Mercedes owner

Before you judge if the grass is greener on the other side, write down your definition of green.

If 5 years ago, your definition of green was to buy a merc, the grass is pretty green on your side, isn’t it?

So the next time you set out for a goal, write it down. 

Because when you achieve it, you won’t compare it to your neighbor’s salary, car, or house. You’ll compare it to the goal you set out with initially.

The grass is not greener on the other side. Your definition of green just keeps changing.

Watch someone turn $20k into $500k

A couple of weeks ago, I saw Scott Delong post this:

He set a public challenge to turn $20k into $500k in one year.

And the interesting part is that he is documenting every bit of the process. Give him a follow if you want to keep track of what happens.

He’s doing pretty well so far (14 days in)

People pay a ridiculous amount for status

This company called Payless ran an interesting experiment.

They’re known for selling relatively inexpensive items.

And people would usually associate their products with cheap materials.

So one day they revamped their entire store… into a luxury store (called Palessi).

But there’s a catch.

They sold the same products as before and increased the prices.

The shoes that used to cost $29, now cost $400.

And people LOVED it!

Elegant, sophisticated, and versatile — a Palessi customer.

I find this so funny. People will pay a ridiculous amount for “luxury” goods.

Most things are a distraction


Aadit’s picks:

  1. Online course: Maven cohort-based courses are fantastic to scale your career & network. There are some really great ones on this list. For example, if you’re interested in starting a newsletter (like this one), check out The Business of Newsletters. If you’re looking to grow your Twitter network, check out Makers Mark (by yours truly).

  2. Newsletter: BrainPint.com. It’s a curation-based newsletter sharing the best reads and personal growth tips. I share a ton of resources that helped me every week. Janel (from BrainPint) does the same.

  3. Someone build this idea: This dude called Vidit wrote a thread on how Chrome extensions are going to crush it next year onwards. Read it here.If anyone is building a smart Chrome extension, DM me. Would love to help it get more users!Last week, a builder DMd me with their product (eesel.app) and I’m loving it so far!