⏳ Free $12M Startup Idea

PLUS: Business problems, Difference between big and small business

Hey Time Billionaires :)

Hope you’re having a great week!

This week we’re covering:

  • ✌️ Why starting something small is better

  • 😮 Impact of Self-limiting beliefs

  • 💡 Free $12M startup idea

  • 📈 Messi's debut month data

Before we get into the email, a big thank you to this week’s sponsor:

🍷 Save $$ on the latest luxury products

  • I want to buy high-quality things (that tend not to be cheap)

  • Oldmoney helps me stay on top of the latest news and discounts

  • Trust me - If you have, are close to, or dream of buying a jet, this is for you. Subscribe here.

Now let’s get into some gems I found on the internet in the past 7 days 💎

1. 💡

Free $12M startup idea:

Are people becoming obsessed with living longer?

2. 💡

Self-limiting belief - This is the root of all problems (in business at least).

3. 💡

In the beginning, “Start with something small”.

- an investor in 30+ companies through Tiny ($400M valuation)

And here’s an important take from Elon Musk 👇

With that said, many people also made the following point:

Starting a small business and big business basically takes the same effort. “Start the big business”.

4. 💡

Messi's debut month data - simply incredible!

In the first month, he drove 250k+ new signups for the MLS season Pass.

Interesting to see the business behind these sports. And how marketing affects it!

That’s it for now!

PS. My goal with this weekly email is to send you free business ideas, marketing tactics, and my favorite pieces of content from that week.

Which one was your favorite idea this week? Reply and let me know (it helps with deliverability).

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