⏳ How To Find Your Tribe

T.I.N.Y Blog, Time Billionaires #033

T.I.N.Y newsletter (read time: 3 minutes):

  • Thought: Find your online community

  • Interesting: The mindset to build trillion-dollar companies

  • Not to be missed: Gas App gets acquired by Discord!

  • Yes: Tests are closed-book. Life is open-book.

Find your online community

So you're looking to build an online community?

That's awesome because having a community can be an amazing way to connect with people who share your interests, get support and feedback and even grow your business. But finding the right community can be tricky. So, let me share some tips on how to find your online community:

  1. Figure out your niche and target audience: Before you start looking for a community, it's important to know what you're looking for. What's your niche? What kind of people do you want to surround yourself with? If you already know this, you’ll be surprised by how many people don’t know yet. It will help you narrow down your search and find the right community for you.

  2. Look for existing communities: Once you know what you're looking for, start searching for existing communities online. There are tons of platforms that host communities, like subreddits, Twitter follows, LinkedIn pages etc. As you can see, they don’t have to be strict communities. Even personal brands on Twitter have built communities around their idealogy. Look for people/communities related to your niche and check out the size, engagement and most importantly, type of content they share.

  3. Get in there and engage: So, you found a few communities that look promising? Great! Now it's time to get in there and start engaging with them. Join the community, participate in discussions and get to know the members. These discussions can be leaving comments on Twitter. Or joining an audio conversation (Twitter space). This will give you a sense of the community dynamics and whether it's the right fit for you.

  4. Create your own community: If you start getting a lot of requests for more interaction, or you're getting a lot of engagement and feedback, that's a sign that it might be time to create your own community. In my case, it was audience building. A lot of people ask me how I built this audience on Twitter and this newsletter. So, I created this community where I can answer these questions as well as get members to interact and learn from each other. If you’re creating a community, choose a platform to host your community (I use skool), set some guidelines and rules, and actively engage with the community.

  5. Maintain the quality of conversations in the community: Once you have your community, it's important to maintain the quality of conversations. This means setting guidelines, moderating discussions, and encouraging healthy and productive conversations. This will help create a positive and inclusive environment for your community members.

Building a community can bring so many benefits, like friendship, support and growth. So, go out there and find your tribe!

How to build trillion-dollar companies

This is the mindset to build trillion dollar companies.

A short break…

Let’s take a short break to talk about Compoundtraffic.com (founded by myself!).

Compoundtraffic.com is a free community for audience-builders who are looking to grow their businesses (agency, newsletters, services) using organic traffic.

If you’re interested in growing your Twitter and LinkedIn personal brand, make sure to check it out.

Join the community here and let me know how you like it!

Let’s get back to the newsletter!

Gas app gets acquired!

If you remember, I covered Gas App about 3 months ago (link).

This is when they hit $1m in sales.

This week (3 months since my post), they got acquired by Discord.

And Nikita, the founder, posted this on his Twitter:

It’s a cake with a tweet saying that Gas will never get acquired. This tweet:

I found this funny.

By the way, Andrew is a smart guy (I’ve chatted with him). But he got this one wrong. And that’s okay. It happens.

Life is open-book


Change in the education system is long overdue.

I still don’t understand why most tests are closed-book when life is open-book.

Aadit’s picks of the week:

  1. App: Meco. If you’re looking for a tidy and clean solution for all your newsletters, check it out (link).

  2. Video: How to use ChatGPT to delegate tasks (link).