⏳ If You Feel Stuck In A Corporate Job...

PLUS: Top 10 AI tools, Godfather's story and Recent Media Acquisitions

From Aadit :) - Together with Ollyrichards.co

Hey y’all!

This week, we’re covering:

  • Top 10 AI tools to check out

  • If you feel stuck in a corporate job, read this

  • No one knows anything…

  • Summary of media acquisitions

1. 💡

Top 10 AI tools to check out. My favorites: Pixiebrix, Bardeen and Submagic.

Btw if you enjoyed that particular tweet:

Sign up for the other newsletter I write to get even more tactical AI prompts, insights, and tools to keep you ahead (70k+ happy readers).

2. 💡

If you feel stuck in a corporate job, read this:

2.5 💡

This guy is insane.

He wrote a free 117-page case study about how he grew his education business to $10m.

Super insightful for course creators, consultants, etc.

3. 💡

No one knows anything…

4. 💡

Summary of media acquisitions:

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