⏳ Crazy Story of A Massive Bootstrapped Business

PLUS: Life hacks, online course launch guide, funny tweet

Hey y’all!

This week, we’re covering:

  • Crazy story of a massive bootstrapped business

  • Life hacks from Greg

  • Online course launch guide

  • Tech companies - honest headlines (funny)

1. 💡

I love discovering huge businesses that were:

  1. Bootstrapped

  2. Never heard of

This story has both.

2. 💡

This Greg guy keeps sharing these life hacks that I love.

I love the first one: “Be Cringe”

I’m cringe. Most of the stuff I do fails. Some things work and that’s what people remember.

2.5 💡

This guy is insane.

He wrote a free 117-page case study about how he grew his education business to $10m.

Super insightful for course creators, consultants, etc.

3. 💡

I’m launching my prompts course in 3 days. Had a lot of people ask me to build it. So it’s coming!

I haven’t launched a self-paced course before. So I’ll be using this guide from Justin Welsh as a north star.

4. 💡

I found this really funny. Check out the full thread below.

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