⏳ The little-known secret to business...

PLUS: Nike's staff memo, the best explanation of stories

Hey Time Billionaires :)

Hope you’re having a great week!

Before we get into the email, a big thank you to this week’s sponsor, Ollyrichards.co

This week we will be covering:

  • 💸 The little-known secret to business

  • 💭 How to know what your customers are thinking:

  •  📝 A Nike staff memo from 1977

  • 📚The best explanation for stories

1. 💡

The little-known secret to business (thread)

2. 💡

How to know what your customers are thinking:

3. 💡

A Nike staff memo from 1977

My favorites:

  • Assume nothing.

  • If we do the right things we’ll make money damn near automatic

Let’s get the bag 💪

4. 💡

The best explanation for stories

Watch the video. Trust me.

That’s it for now!

Which one was your favorite idea this week? Reply and let me know (it helps with deliverability).

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(We’ll be introducing prizes and more for the people with the highest referrals).

— Aadit (@aaditsh)

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