⏳ Do More Then Do Better

T.I.N.Y Blog, Time Billionaires #032

T.I.N.Y newsletter (read time: 3 minutes):

  • Thought: Consistency is key

  • Interesting: Let AI summarize your emails

  • Not to be missed: The 6 types of successful products

  • Yes: Obvious to you, amazing to others

Consistency is key

I talk a lot about building online communities on Twitter. That’s what I’m doing with my Twitter and newsletter.

When it comes to building an online community, consistency is everything. Being consistent with your content and engagement will help establish trust and credibility with your audience. It means posting on a regular schedule, being consistent in the quality and voice of your content, and being responsive to your audience. This can get tough as your audience grows but try your best to engage with your audience even after growing beyond a certain size.

But consistency doesn't mean you have to stick to the same format or type of content all the time. Mixing it up can be a great way to keep things interesting and test what works best for you. A lot of my friends have recently expanded into video content. I’m still considering (let me know if I should). Although they’ve expanded into video content, they’ve kept the message consistent. Their message is the same on their tweets, posts, video scripts, TikToks etc. This is important so that your audience knows what to expect from you even if you’re on a different platform. They can find you more easily.

Another aspect of consistency is aligning your message, values and brand. Creating a consistent narrative that aligns with your brand and mission, it will make it easier for your audience to identify with you, understand your message and follow you.

When it comes to content, a lot of people say “quality over quantity”. I agree that the goal is prodcuing quality content for your audience.

But I think everyone sucks in the beginning. It’s just hard to get it right the first time.

Instead of focusing on quality, I say “do more, then do better”. This is the case because to do better, you have to first do more.

Let AI summarize your emails

Ben shows how you can use a simple tool and AI to summarize your emails and tell you what needs to be replied to.

Pretty neat.

Your chance to work with us

Let’s take a quick break to talk about Compound (founded by myself).

Compound is a mastermind for founders/operators looking to build a massive Twitter audience.

It’s for you if you are looking to:

  • Grow a massive Twitter and LinkedIn audience

  • Build a network of high-quality founders/operators building epic businesses

  • Do 1 and 2 in a collaborative and intimate environment.

You’ll get on calls with me and the group and I’ll help you grow through organic content.

I’ve grown my account from 0 → 200,000 followers in less than 2 years. Over that time, I’ve consulted 250+ founders on their Twitter growth.

If you’re interested, go to Compoundtraffic.com and see if you meet the requirements. If yes, book a call to see if we’re a good fit to work together!

Here’s what Brian O’Connor (33k followers) had to say:

If you want results like Brian, book a call and DM me “compound” on Twitter

Let’s get back into the newsletter for today!

6 types of successful products

Loved this graphic. I’m a big fan of community-based products.

That’s what I’ve spent the past 2 years building and will continue to do so!

Obvious to you, amazing to others

The man is Derek Sivers.

Aadit’s picks of the week:

  1. Abhishek writes Psychology of Marketing which is a free newsletter to learn about how companies leverage psychology to sell you more stuff. He has done case studies on Rolex and other well-known and no-so-well-known brands (link).

  2. Twitter tool: Tweethunter, the best Twitter growth and content creation tool (link).

  3. Wholesome interaction: This was between Sam Parr and Shaan Puri standing up for each other. Very cute (link).