⏳ $10m+/year Idea — Time Billionaires #004

A $10m/year idea from someone who's done it before — Val.

Hey Time Billionaire — Aadit here.

Today’s issues covers:

  • Growing a LinkedIn page to 10k

  • The importance of design

  • Making $10m+ in the first year of a business

Growing a LinkedIn Page to 10k

I’ve been growing the Found That Interesting LinkedIn page. It’s now at 10,000 followers. In 2 weeks (damn!)

The plan is to build a brand around it. So when I saw that foundthatinteresting.com was available — I bought it. Nothing on there yet. But open to ideas!

If you want to start a LinkedIn page, I’d say now is a good time.

Organic reach is pretty easy and as long as you’re consistent, you’ll win.

Here’s what I did in a nutshell:

  1. Go for a particular niche (the more specific the brand, the more valuable).

  2. Spin up a quick logo and banner using Canva. Make it look pro.

  3. Write a simple about. I focused on “Business, technology and media” because that’s what I love (see image above).

  4. Show up daily. Post at least 5 times a week.

  5. I also use my personal account to comment and drive engagement (because I have a few thousand followers there) but this is not necessary.

  6. Aim to post funny/viral content. I know LinkedIn is more of a serious face. But everyone loves having a laugh every once in a while. Be that person that makes them laugh.

If you start now, it may take months to master the platform. As Time Billionaires, we value that time. If you have the cash to invest, Justin Welsh’s LinkedIn OS is for you. He’s at 240,000+ followers and has the entire playbook figured out. The purchase will be worth it in the first week itself.

Anyway — back to Found That Interesting.

I’m still deciding where I want to go with Found That Interesting. People are loving it for sure. If you have any ideas on what to do with it, hit reply + lmk what you’d do! I’m open to ideas!

The Importance of Design

Look at this image.

What did you read first? Did it catch you too?

You’ve probably come across this image before.

I surely have. And I still always read it in the order that they want me to.

That’s how powerful design is. Design can change the flow of your ideas.

One thing I love doing is having a fresh pair of eyes check out my landing page, design, templates, projects etc.


Because you’ve been looking at it for so long. Other people will see things differently to how you do because you’re so familiar with it.

If you’re working on a project that requires any design (most projects will), this is your reminder to have a friend look over your stuff.

Making $10m+ in The First Year of a Business

I know what you’re thinking. $10m?!

Aadit — are you crazy?

I’m not. But I think I may have gone after reading this story.

This is Val’s story. It’s insane. He made $10m+ in the first year of his business. Check the thread at the end to learn about his full story.

But I noticed something — he follows me.

For you guys, I shamefully sent him a DM asking these 2 things:

  1. If you were starting again, what would you focus on?

  2. Are there any other opportunities where you can make $10m+/year

His answers are below:

  1. Focus on specific categories of SMBs. You can start small and build services that are focused on local or regional companies. I think almost all are struggling with marketing. Go after sellers of high ticket items if possible.

  2. To make a quick $10m+ profit you need a big audience. That’s extremely hard but if there is an audience that can make that happen today, that would be TikTok.

Pretty crazy huh? Where else are you going to get so much insider info?

That’s right — no where.

Anyway, here’s the full story if you want to give it a read.

That’s it for this week.

See you next Tuesday — Aadit

PS. Here are a couple things you'll love: